What do men think about "good hair"?
In a day and age where African American males are seeking for prospective wives/girl friends with ‘good hair’ and our African American women are being taught that they are constantly being evaluated based on their outward appearances rather than their inner ‘beauty’ and ironically also being taught, “I am not my hair” and “natural is beauty,” African America women are contemplating within themselves and having dialogue with each other, “What do the Men think.”
Throughout the years, the importance of African American
hairstyles has remained a way of letting one’s social class status be known to
others around them.
The word good hair can have several meanings, depending on the
context. A hair dresser may refer to good hair as a hair that is healthy and
full of nutrients. The most commonly used context of good hair is when
individuals refer to it in regards to the texture, style, and appearance as
relating to the image of a woman.
Good hair is a common, colloquial phrase used within the African American community to generally describe African American hair (or the hair texture belonging to those of other ethnicities
who fit the same description) that most closely resembles the hair of
non-blacks (straight or curly), especially those images of hair popularly
presented in hegemonic society.
I surveyed 15 different black men, of which included 6
professional athletes, 3 current college students, and 7 college graduates whom
work various jobs. All of these individuals were between the ages of 22 and 44.
I asked the question, “when you hear the words good hair, in relating to women,
what comes to mind?” One of the replies I got was:
“When people say you have good hair, people automatically think
you are light skinned and not dark skinned, because normally darkskinned people
have bad hair”
Mainstream videos we watch on youtube and similar media sources
show beautiful women with hair down their backs. Women whom aren’t in the
mainstream media try to mirror this image, because they see the response these types
of women receive and they envy these t. According to men surveyed, “these women
failed … I’d rather have a woman that has her real hair.”
With my survey it’s clear to me that most men place a high regard on
women with straight, curly hair. They view the woman as more presentable, and
even to a certain extent more attractive, and striking. Men even go as seemingly
farfetched with their thinking as to consider their potential children when
dating a woman with good hair. “You want your kids to have good hair” said an
individual. Even when presented with the
option of weave, men would prefer the “real thing.” Thus they feel this type of
women would be able to offer them more stability and steadiness in a
relationship. Silly right? Especially when anyone who know a little of
anything, knows beauty is only skin deep.
Finally I asked the question, “if you
had to choose between two women, whom both had the same personalities, but one
had weave, and is more beautiful and the other’s hair was natural, yet was not
as good looking, which would you choose?”
100% answered they would choose the
woman with good hair.
We live in a superficial world, what
did you expect?
In summary I feel we should all
reflect on the words of India Arie:
Good hair means curls and waves
Bad hair means you look like a slave
At the turn of the century
Its time for us to redefine who we be
You can shave it off
Like a South African beauty
Or get in on lock
Like Bob Marley
You can rock it straight
Like Oprah Winfrey
If its not what's on your head
It’s whats underneath
Bad hair means you look like a slave
At the turn of the century
Its time for us to redefine who we be
You can shave it off
Like a South African beauty
Or get in on lock
Like Bob Marley
You can rock it straight
Like Oprah Winfrey
If its not what's on your head
It’s whats underneath