Remember the show "The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat"?
The first part shows the victorious athletes... Track Stars raising their arms in victory as they cross the line, Football players high stepping to the end-zone after the a 99 yard run.
Then in the background this great Rocky music and you feel you can be somebody. Then the music changes to this death dirge, and they show this skateboarder coming down a hill and WHAP!!!! wipe out. I mean wipe out out, do three or four flips, go through a fence bam, then off the side of the mountain.
Then the announcer comes on and says in a funeral voice, "The Agony of Defeat." I guarantee you, nobody remembers victorious athletes in that video, but we all remember the guy who crashed and burned.
When it comes to dating the guy who went off the side of the mountain is me.
Dating is a lot like sports. You have to practice, you work out, you study the greats, you hope to make the team, and it hurts to be cut from the squad.
The big difference between dating and sports is that in sports you can make up for lack of ability with ambition, or "heart" as it is called. The coach always uses the player with heart as an example to the talented players when they aren't playing up to their potential. " Guys, I wish I had eight players like Scooby, here.
He's small, can't run, can't shoot, can't jump, basically can't play but he never gives up. I can count on Scooby to me 150 percent.
He has heart. "In actuality, the coach wishes the other guys would play harder so he can cut Scooby.