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There’s been a debate lately overwhich group is better, Young Money or Slaughterhouse

Something has been really irking me lately?  Is it me, or has everyone switch their career goals to have some type of status?  It’s like a disease or something.  If I could name it, I would call it the “WannaBe Syndrome”.
Think about it, when you go out to the club with your girls, if you don’t “know” the people at the door, or have some type of connect, you’re looked at as less than.  If you’re on twitter and your follower count is still in the hundreds, most people will overlook you.  A girl’s dream husband has switched from someone who is caring, responsible and one that would be a good father to having status.  If you are not (a): an athlete, (b): a rapper, (c) : an actor, (d): a noted businessman (remember you have to be noted), then you will not get a second look!  What has happened to us?  This wasn’t always the case.

In our grandparents’ day, most Black folk aimed to be decent, righteous and aimed to create a better future for the generations to come.  When our parents were coming up, they wanted to expose us, make us more cultured and provide things to us that they dreamed of having in their own childhoods.  Did they spoil us?  Why does it seem like we look down on people who have modest aspirations?  Why do we research celebrities, read TMZ, Media Take-Out, and The Insider consistently just to get dirt on people we don’t even know? (I like those sites by the wayJ)  I think social networking and reality TV have blurred the lines with celebrity status and normality. With reality shows, twitter and YouTube, everyone can have a small piece of the pie.  People no longer care what the road to fame consists of; long as they get there.

Take the beautiful, Kim Kardashian and her family…The masses didn’t know Kim Kardashian as the daughter of the world-class lawyer Rob Kardashian; but rather the “goddess” that was featured in the infamous sex-tape with Ray-J.  Do we criticize her for this? No!  We continuously praise her for her celebrity and talk about her constantly.  People may read this status and think that I’m hating; I simply have the future generations in mind.   I don’t know where we all got caught up., or if it even matters. 

I guess in the meantime I’ll become a celebrity too :)

-Liberette Mag

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